Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Burlap Smell - How to Get Rid of Natural Burlap Smell

Burlap for rustic weddings was originally intended to be used, outdoors in barns in farm settings or in open air tents. Currently rustic weddings are celebrated indoors and in formal catering halls, as a result some event planners, florists celebrants and florists are concerned
about the older which of course is a natural burlap order
Burlap, being a natural, organic material sometimes has a smell or slight odor to it. Since is is stored in plastic for shipping and packaging, this smell can be stronger on the initial opening of the package. We get called about this issue maybe once a year or so with customers who are concerned that the smell may be toxic. Rest assured, the fabric is completely natural (i.e. nothing you wouldn't smell on a farm).

If you do a quick Goggle search on the web, you will encounter numerous suggestions on how to remove the natural burlap smell. You will find some sites suggest that you use Febreeze or other de-oderant type product. I am not a big fan of this solution as I don't think that's really a good way to get rid of the smell (where does the smell go??). Other solutions will suggest that you put it in the washing machine. I would be hesitant to wash the material as it can shed a little and may make a mess.

My suggestion is very simple: air out the burlap for a few days outside. This should get rid of most of the smell. If you are using it for a wedding, wipe it down with a damp cloth (no soaps necessary) in case the smell is not completely gone. As a last resort, a little bit of Febreeze won't hurt, but that should only be used in case you are very sensitive to the smell. The natural odor or burlap should not stop you from enjoying its benefit in a rustic wedding environment.

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